Newsflash: Getting cold feet?

I’m 24 and just got my offer for a house in Pasadena, CA accepted. It was one of those ‘send us your highest and best offer’, and my offer was 11% higher than asking price. I’m extremely lucky to have my parents support me and help me with the down payment, but I’m kind of getting cold feet because I feel like the offer might have been too high. I do really like the place and I’m super excited about the thought of renovating, decorating, and living in it. I know it would be a pretty good investment, but there are also personal factors/thoughts of feeling too young to own a house, and feeling scared of being/living alone (been going through a rough breakup as of 2 months ago), and because of that, also feeling like this might be too impulsive? I have kind of always been thinking of getting a place/moving out because I never really liked living at home, but now that I’m actually in this spot, it feels odd/scary. Any thoughts?


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