Newsflash: Realtor trying to dissuade us from seeing houses i want to see

Our realtor has given her unsolicited opinion on every house we’ve seen so far. I assume some of this is part of the job but i don’t know if this is as upsetting as it makes me feel and want some opinions. house was priced below market. Asked to see it, she said it wasn’t for people like us and it was for investors and they probably wanted cash. Ignored my request to make an appt. Showed her a house that is outside the area we are looking but has an assumable mortgage and is being advertised as such — she said it’s too small for us and never followed up (i went to open house so this was fine). sent her a house that’s not ideal right now but is below budget and leaves room for major customization and renovations — she said she doesn’t like the street. Told my partner they had no business looking at a house because it was a duplex but not zoned as such. Like… she’s not paying my mortgage nor is she living with us. I feel like these opinions cross a line and her job is to show me the houses i want to see. We are on a contract with her for another 60 days (random clause on the last offer we made that got declined) and i feel like we may miss out on what i want because she is inserting herself too much. How should i handle other than setting boundaries? Is this normal behavior?


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