Newsflash: Buddy is a real estate agent

So my closest friend, in each others wedding, known since kindergarten type situation is a real estate agent and I used him 10 years ago to buy my first house. At the time he was relatively knew to the game and I had no idea what I was doing. Everything was smooth then and I had no issues. Over the last 10 years his career never really took off and I know a number of situations where people dropped him as an agent, one person was a friend of mine and he shared with me his experience. My buddy rarely reached out to him, never gave him options for houses to look at, and apparently didn’t put an offer in when my referral asked him to. Now we are selling our house and I don’t know what to expect out of an agent. We met for lunch a few months ago to go over comps and his paperwork, seller and buyer contracts. Since then we have only heard from him once and are always reaching out to him for advice, what’s the next step, etc. I thought we would be hearing from him more, getting listings sent out way, follow up with house prep, asking for updates, giving us market updates and things like that. Are our expectations unreal? I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be getting from him but we feel like we are not getting even the bare minimum. I text him yesterday at 10am about a listing and never heard back from him. I had to call him today to discuss the listing but he has to be at his one listing for pictures and won’t be able to show us the listing we wanted to look at. Zillow had times all throughout today to go look at it with a different buyers agent so we are a bit peeved with the situation. Any advice is welcomed. Thanks in advance.


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