Newsflash: Selling a unique house and agents have radically different listing prices

Despite a lot of research we are not 100% sure on how to price the house. It is rather unique as it has an in-ground pool in bad shape that needs to be removed but the inside of the house is nice/decent. We have gotten 8 different recommended listing prices ranging from 180k to 285k. We have been told the house is way too nice for an investor and others that have said the only feasible buyer is an investor because of the pool.I feel like agents have been really dishonest with us. The last straw came today when we asked an agent we liked to send their contract over and they immediately told us they had a buyer interested in the property and that we were looking at a 150k-180k price as “we discussed.” We never discussed listing that low and she had been insistent on listing at 275k.  She claims that the price was if the pool was removed and the basement fully finished. This is absolutely 100% not true. When we reacted shocked she upped the price to 180k-200k and then later texted us at 225k. Not sure if agents are listing high to get our business , or listing really low for a quick sale or to do favors for their friends/contractors. How can we gauge a listing price on a unique house on our own?


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