Newsflash: HOA-do your homework before buying a house in an HOA. Should be as important as your inspection. Look at their management ratings. Find out who their law firm is and their ratings. HOAs can ruin your life. Read and understand the declaration/bylaws and be sure to understand the insurance

More so in condos and townhomes to where more common elements come into play. Our HOA signed and approved all the work that was caused by a common element negligence. Caused $30k damage to the house. Then 3 months later said they are not paying that send the collectors after us. They took and fixed and took responsibility of the broken pipe. We hired a lawyer and they agree this want handled professionally at all by the HOA and that we have a strong case BUT we are dealing with HOA with millions of dollars and they are powerful. So we got bullied and pulling out. We were going to rack that up fast in lawyer fees and they knew it.


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