Newsflash: Will a buyer’s agent become my seller’s agent if I don’t have an agent?

We’re selling our home (in Wisconsin). Our preference would be for a private sale, and we’ve been in touch with some folks who are interested and coming to see it next weekend. They have just expressed that they would like to bring a realtor. When we bought our first house a decade ago we went to see a house without having a realtor and then because the seller’s agent showed it to us they automatically became our agent. Will this happen in reverse? If they bring their realtor to see our house next weekend, and we are not represented by our own, will that agent become our agent if we proceed with selling to them? If they are interested, we will involve a realtor we have used previously, but once we do that it eliminates the option for a future private sale if this party is not interested. Thanks for your help.


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