Newsflash: To some of the older folks / “pre pandemic adults”, what were your thoughts on real estate back then and did you ever experience a similar “get in now or never” frenzy that we are seeing so much of today?

I’m just really curious as to what things may have been like in the past,(early 2000s, 90s or even further back) (as someone who’s only reality / lived experiences into the current market began around COVID). I don’t necessarily believe that we are in a “bubble”, but I’m also curious what the general vibe around housing was like in the time frame before the 08/09 crash was like, and in general what the outlook was like pre pandemic / early 2000s, 90s or even earlier in terms of real estate as an investment. Like now it’s a pretty common narrative amongst realtors for instance to tell home buyers that “housing is only going up, it’s one of greatest investments you can make, and rates will go down and then you can always refinance”. Obviously no one should take this as 100 percent fact because no one can actually accurately predict these things but I think it does play a role in the “if we don’t take the plunge now we’ll never be able to” mindset.I’m curious what the narrative amongst realtors or your general community or even what your own thoughts were back then, whether you bought a while ago, sold, were an investor or someone who owned one primary or even if you decided that not buying was the better option for you. It feels like there is a certain desperation now amongst many, especially millennials to just accumulate what they can or get into the market even if it means crazy bidding wars / high prices (I know prices are typically always the highest they have been at most points in time but it seems like the rate of year to year growth is what’s almost unparalleled). A lot of my older neighbors who have owned their homes for decades seem super perplexed and are shocked at the way things are right now, and I’m really curious to hear your take on it.


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