Newsflash: Moving due to crappy neighbours, feelings of guilt

So we have been dealing with this rental next door and the landlord hasn’t rented to decent people in the last four years.First occupant was arrested for sexual assault, blasted soundsystem for hoursSecond occupant group was 12 students living in a townhouse. Parties 3-4 times a week.Third and current occupant were two young dudes who turned it into a frat house and a massive house shaking sound system being played all the time.All three have been an absolute nightmare to deal with. Bylaw complaints, cops, complaints to the landlord.In the last month we sold our townhome and bought a detached house so we don’t have to deal with shared walls and crappy neighbours. We move out in a few weeks. However i’m dealing with serious anxiety and guilt on passing on my situation to the next owners.We were not legally required to disclose the issue.Anyone move for a similar situation and have the same feeling of guilt? How did you handle it? Any interesting stories?


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