Newsflash: Lien found in day of closing

I signed and handed over my cashiers check. Notary left to the title company. Got a photo of the realtor placing my key under a rock by the front door. Received a call that the title company just ran a final check on the title and found a lien.Realtor says to be patient. The sellers have every intention of paying it off. Sends me paperwork to sign to “close” tomorrow instead. Tomorrow rolls around (today.. Friday) and I hear nothing from anyone. Text realtor at noon to ask what’s up?”Hang tight. We’re almost there”No updates. End of day, please remain patient. Text realtor that my relative is going to the property to retrieve the key because i am about to board a flight out of town as had already been planned long in advance. Realtor says, oh Iwas just about to go get that key! Your dad may, but he may not enter the propertyAM I BEING SCAMMED? WHAT CAN I DO??AM I ABOUT TO LOSE MY DOWN PAYMENT MONEY AND NEVER GET TO GO INTO MY NEW HOME?


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