Newsflash: Help to minimize losses after a failed relationship

My brother just both a home with his girlfriend for 415k. He is the only person on the loan and titleHe paid about 100k to close and his current mortgage obligations are 3k per month and the remaining balance is about 315k. The interest rate is very high(7%+)Unfortunately, in less than a week of moving in, their relationship is failing, which puts him a very delicate financial situationHe doesn’t want to live alone and wants to try selling the house. According to some estimates, he’d be selling at like a 40k-60k loss? This is all assuming that he can resell the house in about 3 months and at around the same price he bought itWhat options does he have to minimize losses?The typical rent in the area is about the mortgage at best. We estimate that the property might rent for $2800 which would mean a $200 loss per month assuming he can find a renter but we don’t know for certain about the chances of renting Finding a roommate is not an optionBecause he doesn’t want strangers in his house and doesn’t know anyone who could be a good roommate. All his friends are unavailableHe also has cats that are too important for him and doesn’t want to risk someone leaving a door open and them fleeing


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