Newsflash: Buyer backed out and left me (seller) hanging.

Not sure on what to do in this situation. I had contract to sell home in 14 days or before if possible. Buyer only put up $1500 earnest money deposit but I felt it was safe because of quick close and paying cash. They wanted to get in like a week if possible. I could not commit to that and he was upset because theybwould have the stay in a hotel for a week on their dime. I really thought this was a them problem but actually agreed to give $500 more of to help. We signed the contract and buyer had 7 days to bring any inspections they have wanted but did not bring any. This quick turnaround time put immense burden on lady and kids living in the property but they tried desperately to make that happen. They spent three 14 hour days moving and temporarily in a motel at their own expense and we’re out in ten days. They let Realtor and myself know they were out. Lady had set up with a friend to come by and haul the piles of trash from move away. Unfortunately the friend broke down and could not get it. Buyer went over for walkthrough the next morning before we were aware trash was still there to find some furniture still there and trash piles in yard and shed. He was livid. To make matters worse while they had door open moving stuff I guess two neighborhood cats snuck in and unknowingly were in the house when buyer went there ! I am sure he thought the lady left cats there but she did not have cats. He came unglued and said the house was not nearly the same shape as when he first came by and wanted out of the contract. My Realtor sent me a message saying call me and a ton of really bad pictures. Place did look pretty trashy. I was livid but still had four days to make right and meet my obligations. I called a hauler and had all trash and furniture removed in one day to the tune of $1200 and another $200 to have a crew come in and clean and vacuum house thouroughly. I told Realtor I had met all obligations to get cleaned and everything hauled off and buyer could come by for qalktand close on 14th day. They came by and he walked around and said he did not want the home anymore and wanted his $1500 Ernestoney back. I refused to allow my Realtor to release as I had met all obligations. I even offered him an additional $5000 off just to get this nightmare done. He turned down offer and said he had moved on. I let my Realtor know if he did heovwd on without his $1500 earnest money. That’s where we are now. Him threatening to get a lawyer and me knowing I had done everything possible and then some to work this out. My question to you folks is what happens and where do I go from here? It’s only $1500 earnest money and lawyers cost hundreds an hour. What happens in FL? Does this contested money go to arbitration or litigation? He I am sure is in the same dilemma. If he gets a lawyer it will cost him and all for $1500. Kind of at a lossq as to next steps I should take. Have legitimately taken losses over this situation and no way to make whole but $1500 is better than nothing to at least offset some of those situations. Please let me know your thoughts.


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