Newsflash: Should I care about school district if I don’t want kids? $570-700k

Looking for advice 🙆🏻‍♀️About me: first time home buyer, mid 20s, female, people of color. I don’t want kids.Saved up $160k and felt like it’d be time to buy a house and stop renting for the first time. I was doing some research and people keep saying location & school district matter. On the one hand, I think it makes a lot of sense because my first house won’t be my forever house. I might want to sell it or move somewhere in the future. Getting a house in a great location with higher school rating means the resell value would be good. Plus living there is relatively safer? You’d be surrounded by well-educated, higher income neighbors.But I was also looking into taxes of houses with 9/10 or 10/10 schools. It seems like homeowners pay taxes and a lot of them go to public schools or fund raising for them? And if I never have kids, I just keep paying for that without actually using it.Do you think I should go for a better/bigger/newer houses with 5/10 or 6/10 schools, or stick to those in exceptional public school districts but are a lot smaller or older? Would it still be worth it, if ultimately I pay a lot more taxes for a small house in better school district? (FYI I’m talking about Midwest here, not places like LA or Seattle)


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