Newsflash: How to sell inherited 1842 (farm)house with long-term renters on SSDI/SSI

Thanks in advance to anyone with advice, constructive, preferably as I already know I’ve sat on this too long.Also, I hope this isn’t TLDR.Background: I inherited the house & @ 1acre after my Mom passed away. My Mom inherited the house from her aunt (born in 1888 and who grew up in the house). My Mom spent a lot of time there as a child and we visited every Saturday until my great-aunt died. As a kid, I remember it used to be a really nice place for a house in the countryside of way, way Upstate NY, i.e. lots of Lake Effect snow and super hot in the summer.Fast forward: my Mom rented the house instead of selling it after her aunt died. There was significant cognitive decline during my Mom’s last few years. When I inherited the house-and now living on the West Coast-the house had deteriorated significantly. The most recent folks she rented to are on SSI/SSDI and their adult son is non-verbal autistic, also on SSI. Plus, the husband is a collector/hoarder. After 6+ years of trying to make the house better with improvements (new roof, exterior paint, new bathroom, plumbing, new furnace, a few new windows) and slowly raising the rent from $300 to $800/mo, I realize I can’t do it anymore. Especially now that we have a kid in college and another one who will graduate HS in 2 years, and I have never been able to break even.Ask: What would you do and how would you do it? The approximate value of the house (3BR / 1BA) & land is $115k.Thanks in advance!


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