Newsflash: FTHB – tree roots were removed so is foundation damaged?

Went to an open house today for a townhome in an HOA in SoCal. It’s a single level end unit, Planned unit development, so what I understand is the homeowner owns the land underneath.There are trees around the community. A tree used to be immediately beside the house and it’s roots caused the floor in a bedroom to become uneven. HOA removed the tree and seller’s agent said the roots as well. New flooring was installed ( forget what it’s called but it’s the fake hardwood floor, basically it’s not carpet)You can feel he “bump” under the floor. It’s a pretty small bedroom (could fit a queen bed and dresser) but the rise and fall of the floor takes about about a 1/3 of the room. You can’t see the bump but feel it when walking across the floor.I didn’t think to ask the agent about the condition of the foundation. I’m imagining concrete sidewalks when they buckle due to tree roots. Is that possibly what the foundation looks like and does that mean the homeowner didn’t fix the foundation, since the floor is not leveled?When the next storm comes through, would you be concerned?TIA!


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