Newsflash: Super frustrated with buyers and their lender

I signed on a new construction, put my current home on the market a week later and was under contract in 2 days. We were scheduled to close on 6/20 and the new construction had a 90-day contingency through 7/19 so plenty of time.Inspection comes back fine the first week. A week and a half after inspection I hear that the condo’s FHA approval has expired several months ago and the buyers have an FHA loan. Their lender wanted to order an FHA single unit authorization but they waited SIX WEEKS after finding out about the expired approval to order the questionnaire required from my property manager. I provided the buyers several options including assuming my mortgage and provided my former mortgage broker’s info for other financing options as soon as we found out. They seem to be insistent on keeping this lender even though the lender seems completely incompetent. We are scheduled to close this coming week and don’t have the status of the FHA approval yet (I have no idea if their lender has even sent the info to the FHA), and no appraisal has been ordered. There is still just under a month until I could potentially lose my new home, but I’m just incredibly fed up with how nonchalant these people have been and am SO stressed since everything could still fall apart. I haven’t received an extension request yet, but they just ordered the FHA docs from my property manager a week ago, so it seems they are still working on closing. At this point I’m pretty much committed to these buyers since the market is super slow and putting it back on the market would surely cause me to lose the new place.Anyone been in a similar situation and have advice? Should I bother to start packing? Normally I would start packing at this point but I’m really concerned about the buyer’s financing or if the FHA approval will even come through.


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