Newsflash: HELP we need a new house

So I will try to make this short but my mother (F63) nd I (F24) bought and closed on a house about a month ago..but the house has so many problems…some we were aware of and other that are popping up left and right now that we have moved in. The sellers were supposed to fix certain things before/soon after closing but never came through. We are extremely overwhelmed with the amount of money we are (sooner than later) going to have to put back into the house, because honestly we now see the reno was not done well or professionally. There are holes in the window seals and probably in the foundation and it is letting in so many bugs and critters on a daily basis. (We are on a slab). We need out of this house ASAP. My mom has a disability and physically and mentally can’t do all this and I work full time and by the time I get off work it’s late and everything is closed for the day. We are looking over our contract for contingencies and stipulations but I need help on next steps we need to take to hopefully lessen the financial blow back for backing out of these contracts!


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