Newsflash: Guidance Requested – To Rent House or to Sell

Hey All, open to your thoughts on my situation.Purchased a 3bed/1bath house in San Fernando Valley (LA, California) back in May 2022 -$905k, 5.125% VA Loan, $0 down. Zillow Estimate shows it’s worth $980k, but comps are being listed for $8-850k.We’ve put in about $40k over 2yrs. Mortgage is $5k for P&I, tax and insurance is $1k /month in escrow account. Army is relocating me from SoCal to NorCal, so am trying to rent my house for $4k / month. Overall we’ll be negative $24k / year cash flow.Next Steps: Wait for rates to come down, refinance if we can. Assume the buying frenzy comes back, and we sell around $1/1.2 if we’re lucky.Ask: To what point is the timing of the Fed / market not make sense and is my strategy sound? Lots of risks and assumptions of course.Thanks!


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