Newsflash: [NC, USA] Our realtor is paying for our home warranty, have you ever heard of this?

We put an offer in on a house for $15k below asking. The counteroffered $10k below asking. We thought about it for a couple hours and called our realtor back and said we wanted to counter counteroffer. We’re ok with the $10k below but want the sellers to pay for a year home warranty. Our realtor said “how about this, accept the counteroffer and I’ll pay for the warranty myself as a house warming present to y’all”. She’s going to be out of the country for the next 2 weeks so she wanted to get the balls rolling and passed off to her coworker before she leaves tomorrow. Is she just being genuinely nice or is there some red flag im not thinking about? Random niceness always triggers my alarms. I guess it could just be that she wanted to hurry up and finalize the deal and is willing to take less profit rather than us keep looking. She’s an extremely nice older woman that we’ve loved working with. We’ve brought our dogs to land tours and her grandkid is the same age as our kid so she’s been keeping him entertained while we look around the houses lol.This will be our first house and we’ll be paying cash thanks to an unexpected inheritance so the whole process should move pretty fast after the inspections come back ok.


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