Newsflash: Do we need to repaint before listing townhome?

Hi, could use some advise to settle a disagreement with my partner. We’ve lived in our townhome for 8 years, it was new construction when we bought it. We’re not super savvy and didn’t realize the builders sprayed on flat paint (and didn’t ask them to re-paint before we closed), so any time you literally touch the walls it leaves a mark. We have two toddlers and basically just have some wear-and-tear going on on the walls, which I’m sure is greatly not helped by the crappy paint. We are getting ready to list our place and move within the next year, so I got a quote to re-paint our entryway and stairwell (the worst looking areas), but my partner is having sticker shock. He thinks we shouldn’t invest any more money into our townhome, but I think some spots look sooo terrible that it’s going to make our place look unattractive (and may signal that we didn’t upkeep and maintain the home well). So is it worth sinking $5-10k to repaint everything (stairwell and beyond – we have some settling issues too that need to be patched up) before we list it? Please see attached photos of the worst areas (other less trafficked areas look much better). Thank you!


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