Newsflash: Why is our home hardly getting any showings? Looking for feedback

Our house has been on the market for 44 days. In that time, we have had only 7 showings and no offers. It just seems that we are not getting enough interest. If we were getting steady showings I would feel less anxious but something seems to be very wrong. We originally listed slightly on the high side but have dropped the price twice with little effect. The price is in line with comps and many professionals seem to think the current price is good. This doesn’t seem to be typical in our market right now. We are listed with a “full service” flat fee broker. We paid $2000 up front and he got our listing on MLS and helps with offers and gives advice but doesn’t do any additional marketing aside from getting us onto the MLS (which of course feeds to Zillow and all the other sites) and posting us on his own website. I was very skeptical that a traditional agent would do that much more to justify their commission but now I am second guessing everything. Also, we are offering the buyer’s agent a full 3% commission so that shouldn’t be an issue. Below is a link to the listing on Zillow. Any feedback or advice would be appreciated.


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