Newsflash: 1031 exchange question

Ok sort of a long story to type but please hear me out and offer any advice I’ve listed my home recently and I’m having fishy feelings about the ordeal my agent first and in saying we could list at 195k she was super confident and had my hopes up for more than I expected then a couple days later suggests we list 10k less and expect offers over that it all sounds ok so we list at what the agent suggests because they’re the pro. Anyways list it second day a showing and an offer it is for asking and inspection waived sounds good but going from what I was told to expect I’m thinking ok first offer sounds good but I’m thinking this is the first offer and I’ve got 4 showing scheduled for the next day so I ask my agent when the deadline for the answer for the first offer is and they say noon next day well showings are afternoon so I’d like to see if anything comes of them at this point the whole attitude shifts to there’s no way we’ll get a better offer and we should take this one right now come to find out it’s a 1031 exchange and when my agent explained this to me like it’s a contingency offer and they’re selling a house and closing on mine same day well after doing some reading it is nothing like a contingency offer and I feel I am being played by my own agent the buyer is an owner/ agent and would also be taking the commission for the sale which I get it let’s make our money however we can life’s a hussle… but I can’t shake the feeling I’m being played for a fool by listing my property less than market value so my agent can make this deal with another agent and make it out like I got the perfect offer when in the end it seems like they swap properties collect their commissions get tax deferrals and investment properties and I get used as a pawn in the whole deal. I don’t know real estate but the whole thing seems fishy to me and the shift in her confidence on the offers I might receive and after reading up on a 1031 I feel played am I over reacting or is the first offer as good as I’m being told


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