Newsflash: Making multiple bids/offers

We currently have a bid that was accepted by a seller for a house that we really like and are in the inspection phase. However, recently my parter decided to see another home with our agent and decided that was a better fit. Right now the agent is suggesting we should put in a bid on this second home. If it’s accepted, we nix the current one (there are some issues in inspection that have come up that means this is possible anyway if sellers don’t offer concessions) and move forward with the new one. If it’s rejected, we focus more on making the current one work.Has anyone been in this situation or know if this is at all normal? I have some major reservations about all of it. Based on my reading and what agent has said, seem like everything is above board if we are careful with the timing. We are also in a competitive market. However, I can’t shake the feeling doing things this way is wrong. I’m new to this and trying to figure out if I am over thinking.


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