Newsflash: Builder gave one week deadline to choose options after I signed contract for 400K first home (new build.) Now not showing me options

I’ve asked the builders rep who I’m working with to show me what the dark and light trim looks like now over 5 times and she either doesn’t respond or says “she is out of office” when she gave me a one week deadline. She’s now sent me the same pieces of paper with rectangles (blocks of color on paper) and no real examples of the colors on actual houses when my house is the last to be built so there should be plenty of examples. I really need to see the difference between the light and dark trim, as well as the model of my home, and she hasn’t even shown me what my brick will look like on a house.I went there twice for this and it was a complete waste of my time because she wouldn’t show me any real examples. This is the first time I’m purchasing a home (400K which isn’t cheap to me at age 27) and I am about to call it a loss on the down payment because this lady has made my experience absolutely miserable. She has only sent me samples of a color block on a sheet of paper and nothing in person or Id even accept a software program since they have one. I am guessing she doesn’t know how to work it. Is there a way for me to get out of the contract if she isn’t doing her job? Is this at all normal?


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