Newsflash: Awkward situation with the seller of our new house?

My gut’s telling me something’s off and I need advice.Context: We moved from the city to a nearby suburb this spring. We closed on a house we loved; the couple in there before us was getting a divorce.The male seller asked his realtor for my husband’s and my phone numbers so that he could pick up some mail right after we closed. This is the third place we’ve owned, and we didn’t think anything of sharing our contact info. Things were fine for about a month and a half. They got less comfortable in early June when the seller started texting my husband about whether anything was growing in the garden. About a week later, he (seemingly) drunk texted a bunch of screenshots of his favorite lawn care products and asked my husband if he wanted to come over and borrow some of them. Supposedly he lives in an apartment now and no longer needs them. He sent maybe 5-10 texts in a short period of time.The next day, I was on a stroller walk with my baby around dinnertime. The park near our place was packed; there was a baseball game and lots of other families out (including other women with strollers). A car slowed to a stop next to me; it was the seller asking if I was the woman who had moved into his house. (I was about 10 houses down from my place at that point, so it wouldn’t have been obvious where I lived.) He told me he was just checking up on one of our older neighbors, but he sounded kind of defensive. He started asking me questions about the house. I saw him drive by again—in the same direction—20 minutes later.My husband responded to the texts he’d ignored the next morning, saying he appreciated the seller checking in about our yard/garden but that we’re more focused on some of the electrical issues we’ve been dealing with. The seller then left a 3-minute voicemail, talking in circles and telling my husband to call him.He never called back. I confided in a new neighbor about what happened, and she told me that he could be a bit unsettling when he lived in our house. The fact that he drove by and stopped me randomly from his car was SO unnerving to me. I already called our realtor for advice (and more info on the seller via his realtor), and I’m hoping this is the end of it.Am I overreacting? I can empathize with this guy struggling and missing the house, but the vibes are really off.


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