Newsflash: Underwater home sale

.(punny title for interest)..(explanation of title to tamp down onjoke-gettery comments mistaking themselves for joke-makery)…(recognition that explaining only shifts the joke to “doing it anyway”, and will therefore not reduce the number of jokey comments about an underwater home, e.g. “Is it pineapple-shaped?”)….(in tl;dr territory now, possibly having driven away the target audience of the post itself) I have a nice house in the town where I want to live, that I bought 6 months ago and began making improvements on, in a fit of irrational optimism that I would find work by now to justify the relocation. That didn’t happen, and now I can’t keep it.In order to approach breaking even I need to sell without a realtor. I’ve done that before, so I know what it legally entails, and I’m not scared in the least. But in that instance I didn’t have to shop for a seller, and therefore didn’t list the house at all. My strong preference would of course be to replicate this experience, so what I’m looking for here (your mission, should you choose to accept it) is advice, suggestions, and brainstorming about how to conjure a motivated buyer within the next 3 weeks while the house is still being put fully back together.If you’re inclined to weigh in with a comment telling me this is a terrible idea, feel free, but it’s a waste of your time to do so.


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