Newsflash: I live in the Greater Boston Area, and am looking for a “stepping stone” home, due to not being able to afford a Forever Home. Details in the thread.

If you’re not familiar with Boston, I’ll provide some relevant context. Cambridge, MA is a very popular town, right next to Boston, it has thousands of Biotech & Tech companies, Financial firms, Startups, Harvard & MIT are also there. Real Estate is very precious in this town. However — the public schools aren’t that great. Arlington, MA – is a very popular Suburb of Boston, right next to Cambridge. A highly desirable town but more for family purposes due to the awesome school system.The thing is, if I was to buy in Cambridge or in Arlington — either way — I would have to sell in 5-6 years because I think we will outgrow the house we can afford now. In terms of maxing out the investment it seems that Cambridge would be a better bet since potential of appreciation is definitely higher, and it would be easier to rent out or sell. But for the same money, the property that we would get in Cambridge will definitely be more expensive and probably smaller than the one in Arlington. Though, I don’t think it would be difficult to sell or rent in Arlington as well since this area has a shortage of housing. So if you were to sell/rent in 5-6 years, would you rather buy in Cambridge or Arlington?


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