Newsflash: First Time Homebuyer – need help post inspection

I saw some threads through google searching where people were being super helpful and figured I’d take a stab at asking for help here myself.My wife and I are first time homebuyers and after the inspection came back it is heavily suspected there was a grow operation going on in the crawl space that’s lead to a few concerns.Foundation – while the foundation itself looks fine, there is one tie down installed and the soil has been dug into in some areas and piled up in others to make room for shelving. Our home inspector said he talked to a specialist that said it could impact the foundation if the soil was moved too much and we’re having it looked at tomorrow. Question: is this concern valid? Does anyone here know the impact of soil being moved away from the foundation wall?Mold – the lab results came back saying there is elevated levels of Ascospores, Chartomium++, and Hyphal Fragments. It also says there are “slightly elevated” levels of Aspergillus/Penecillum++, Basidiospores, Curvularia, Epicoccum, Myxomycetes++, Pithomyces++ and Stachybotrys/Memnoniella. These levels vary the further away from the basement you get. Question: is this normal for houses where lots of plants have been grown or is it a sure fire warning that mold is present somewhere?Radon – in CO this is a common issue, and remediation is pretty straightforward, but is being complicated due to the dug out areas of the foundation. Since the dirt isn’t level beneath the sub floor, our home inspector alerted us it may be a much more expensive thing to implement. Currently the test showed 6.4 pCi/L when the EPA recommends mitigation at 4 pCi/L.Question: Do any of you have experience dealing with a vapor seal on an unlevel surface under the subfloor, does it cause significant increase in difficulty/cost?My last question here is, is how much concern should we have moving into a home like this? Are these normal things to see or are we going into a death trap full of silent killers?Happy to answer any questions I can, and thanks in advance for any opinions or advice.


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