Newsflash: Discouraged Seller

We listed our house two weeks ago, with showings starting two days after we listed. When we hit the market, everyone who we knew in our neighborhood, our friends, and especially our realtor, said we would definitely have an offer by the end of the first weekend, even multiple ones. Inventory in our price range is not huge and many houses go pending within five days.Nearly two weeks, two open houses and app. 20 showings later, we’ve had not a single offer and tomorrow we’re dropping the price $10k (putting us below most nearby comps). My discouragement comes from the fact that feedback on the home has been mostly positive. Several buyers have said they love the home, the open floor plan, all the windows, the neighborhood, and the lot and have stated the pricing is “just right” but decline buying for reasons ranging from wanting a master on the first floor, wanting an additional bedroom or finding the second and third bedrooms too small. All things that we cannot change. My husband and I and our adult daughter (who has chronic health problems) all work from home and we have a blind dog so it is no small feat to get out every time someone wants to see the house. We’ve had at least two showings in which no one showed up, one in which it was just an agent who wanted to look at the competition and just last night a showing where they showed up 10 minutes after it was supposed to end, went through our house for a half an hour, then left their agent’s car in our driveway for another 20 minutes while they toured the house across the street. We are moving our daughter out in two weeks and ourselves a week after that and I am just exhausted and dreading more showings that seem fruitless and another open house this weekend. I understand why people turn to something like Opendoor and would be tempted if we didn’t have realtor contract. Realtor says it’s early days but I guess I just need some encouragement.


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