Newsflash: Inspector damaged paint while trespassing

I accepted an offer on Sunday. The buyer’s agent has been awful. She left my house unlocked after the showing, but I let it slide.Today I got a notification someone was at my door. I turned off my alarm because I thought maybe my agent had gotten busy and forgot to tell me about something. While I had a text out to her about who was trying to enter my house, the buyer agent put the keys on the ground and left. A man approached and entered. My agent assured me the other agent wasn’t in town and I was supposed to accept appointments before they happened so what was happening was wrong and she would get to the bottom of it.Long story short, it was apparently an inspection…for which I was not prepared. In addition, the inspector damaged the fresh paint I paid $4k to have done. The contract is “as is” but I know they will try to get concessions. I am so not willing to negotiate since they trespassed, I was not ready, I was going to the house today to film a full video of the property before contractors came so I could prove what condition I left it in and unfortunately that didn’t happen since they trespassed first, and this is not the first time the agent has acted improperly.My question is, if I’m supposed to present the property as it was when it was viewed, who is liable for the damages their trespassing inspector made, how soon should I raise this (like should I wait until they say “can I have a credit”), and am I right to be as upset with this agent as I am?


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