Newsflash: Lowered the price (again), still stuck.

Thanks to everyone who commented on my previous post. We only had one showing ‘confirmed’ last week and they cancelled 30 minutes after the timeframe despite ‘really wanting to see it.’ I think the place is cursed. I’m not in the most desirable area and I’m not going to talk up all the reasons that I think it’s a good place, but we are now priced way below sold comps and while the Zillow saves have increased (marginally), people aren’t suddenly flooding the property. My agent refuses to tell me we’re fucked (obviously), but because we are now basically out of options it’s hard not to imagine all the aspects we may have screwed up. We haven’t even received any meaningful feedback from the showings we /have/ had, all of which were at the original price (which was supported 100% by comps). I’m not even sure what the point of this post is other than to vent.Things I wish we had done in hindsight:Listed originally at the price we’re now. This seems to be everyone’s downfall but everyone I spoke to told me we’d have no issues at all, even third parties. It blows my mind, but whatever. That first week on market seems really important.Not reduced the price so quickly in succession. My agent had previously advised against running open houses too long because it looks ‘desperate,’ but I have to imagine dropping twice so quickly is as desperate as you can get.Not run so many open houses. Of the several we’ve had, only one party has come, pre and post price decrease.It’s difficult not being frustrated with my agent. It’s pretty obvious that she wasn’t expecting this to not go smoothly and I know there’s a limit to how much she can actually do but I feel like a lot of this was just me placing too much trust in her initially and then her following through with every suggestion (more like question, really) I had thereafter — ‘should we do more open houses,’ ‘should we drop the price again,’ etc. We have only received one verbal/informal offer and we’re three weeks on market. I feel like when I ask what is going on, she should have an idea of what is going on, even if it’s that we are fucking cursed — but she doesn’t, just that it’s odd.


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