Newsflash: MONSTROSITY of an RV shed partly on my property

My neighbors built a huge RV storage shed with a corner and almost one complete side on my property. They want me to agree to change the property line to accommodate their mistake, but I’d lose valuable uphill land where one would typically site a house, in exchange for more road frontage that has a larger setback. There’s no advantage to me.Mine is an empty lot, just one old shed on it. I thought all the work they were doing was on their property. But when they took down some big trees, I measured and found they were on my property. I had a survey done and it showed they had built the RV shed partly over the line. They based their build on a drawing from the previous owner that is wrong. They bought 4 years ago. They didn’t measure from a property marker, just from their house/garage. They didn’t get a permit before the build. But after I talked to them about my concerns, and on the very day my surveyor was out there, they went to the County with the bad drawing and were given approval after the fact. Crazy, cuz I’d notified the County guy of the issue and he had gone out to see it, and recommended I get the survey. Now he has approved their permit.I’ve asked them to move it and they aren’t budging so I know I’ll have to sue, but I wonder if the judge will rule against me or refuse to rule and I’d be wasting my money. I‘m told “it’s a civil matter.” Seems the County guy is sympathetic to my neighbor who essentially took my land, and may be friends with the other neighbor behind me. It’s very rural VA, and I’m viewed as the outsider, even though I’ve owned the land for a very long time. Oh, they also ran their rain gutters through pipes and directed all their runoff onto my property, creating a swale. I just can’t win.


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