Newsflash: Builder giving me the run around for grass

Having a rocky experience buying a spec new construction home(Pulte). Originally saw the house on May 3rd with dead grass in backyard. As I toured it, the builder sales agent said that would be replaced before I move in. As my first purchase, I did not think about it again as I trusted her. Fast forward to May 31st when I do the initial walkthrough with their construction manager, grass is even more dead. I tell him it needs to be fixed, they say it will grow by the final walkthrough on June 14th or they will replace it. The grass is dead dead. Like its all dirt. I’ve lived in FL my whole life and know that grass is not growing. I visit the house on my own June 8th and of course no progress on the grass, I mention it again and they said there were going to give it 30 days from my closing or replace it. My closing date is June 14th, and wire is due tomorrow. They said they would write it “into the contract on closing”. I have no idea what this means, no real terms and no way to know what’s true or not. Plus it would be after I wire the money. I plan on calling tomorrow and getting in contact with every person I’ve dealt with. The sales agent feels like a snake to me and the construction manager just seems like he doesn’t care. Both feel like they want me to sign the papers so they can get paid and ignore me. The rest of the neighborhood is still in construction so the sales agent and CM will both have to be there till it finishes, about a year from now.What is the best way I can get them to replace it now or at least replace it Monday. If they wrote something on the contract what do I need to watch out for and specific terms? I am going to demand to see this “contract” and terms by tomorrow or say I wont wire the money. Realistically though, we can’t push the closing day any further back, it would be full bluff.


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