Newsflash: Eloped in secret, and my mom is my realtor

Hi, so this one’s a doozy. I feel pretty stupid, having acted impulsively and not having done sufficient research. But what’s done is done.So this is a pretty long and dramatic story, but I’m going to keep it as simple as possible. My wife’s mom was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in December. We’ve struggled with our wedding plan and experienced a lot of backlash on our ideas. It’s been hard to make everyone happy, and especially ourselves.We were sick of compromising. We decided on a wild hare to elope in Las Vegas. We plan to have a wedding next year instead, but because we weren’t sure what that would look like, we did something for ourselves. Problem is, my mom is our realtor. She owns her business and I trust her immensely, she knows everything about the industry. Going to someone else or not using her isn’t an option. We googled how marital status would affect closing on a house. That was the extent of our research. I know, we’re stupid and presumptive and too impulsive. We’re going to reap what our ignorance and laziness has sown. Trust me, I know. We’ve been asking my mom about looking at houses for months, with maybe one or two in that time. Of course as soon as we got back from our wedding (or “Clearwater, FL” as far as my mom knows) we got four leads on prospective homes.We had hoped to tell our families after our wedding celebration next May, so we could have the wedding that our family wants for us and that we thought wouldn’t be possible given our circumstances. My wife bought a dress, she wants the moment. For that reason, we would rather not tell my mom if we don’t have to, but that’s what it might come down to. We have a house we like, but haven’t made an offer, so this isn’t impending yet. But it could be as soon as this week.I know what we did was selfish. I accept that we may have to accept the consequences. I think we’re justified in that decision, but I understand that not everyone will see it that way.I know that lying about my marital status on closing papers would be fraud. I assume that my mom will look over those documents in detail. What are our options here?


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